
Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Bucket July 2007

The other day I was thinking about what I want for Christmas. Besides my flat screen LCD TV for the den, I thought that Kristy and I should finish up our food storage and buy a wheat grinder. Needless to say, I was told that wheat grinders are fine, but not for Christmas. Hmmm, maybe she'd rather have a kerosene stove/oven combo! I'll let you know how that goes over!

While at the Food Storage Center in Ogden, I asked for some more information cards explaining how much of each food item to gather for a year's supply. I was informed that they didn't have any more because the Church was changing its emphasis from a year's supply to a three month supply! I asked the missionary to speculate as to why this was and she looked at me with a sad face and said, “If the church can't get people to store a year's supply, maybe they would be willing to at least do three months' worth.” I imagine that the Church is striving to simplify the process in order to encourage members to at least get started. It is important to note, that on all the literature, the Church still states that once the three month supply is obtained, members should continue until the one year supply is completed!

Here's a thought on water: get some! We are instructed to have at least 14 gallons per person for a two-week supply. Please note that this will only cover the basics for survival. You are on your own for finding water for personal hygiene and washing clothes and dishes. Moreover, if the need for water is longer than two weeks, do you have a plan for longer term water needs? Please don't say “bleach.” I suggest buying chlorine at a pool supply store. The lesson is that the chlorine “goes away” while the cleaners and detergents in bleach remain. I currently have seven 5-gallon containers and a 55 gallon barrel. I want to have some portable water in case of evacuation. Do not store your water directly on the cement floor or near gasoline—put them on 2x4s.

As I consider food storage, it really is an interesting issue. Are you really going to need it? I have life insurance coverage from which I still haven't seen any benefit. What a waste of money! I pay for homeowners insurance and I've never filed a claim. Once I get the house paid off, I'm going to cancel the policy because I'll never use it. I'm going to take a trip on a new luxury ship called the Titanic—that thing is so massive, it will never sink! I think I'm going to throw out the wheat and water, and just store Zingers and root beer because I will only store what I eat! In all honesty, I hope I'll never have to use my food storage, but if I do, I don't want my wife and children to go without because I didn't follow the counsel of the prophet!

Love you all and hope you have a wonderful summer. If you need any help with your storage needs, let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ive noticed more than a few references to that LDC Flat Screen TV. I can understand not getting one but the Zingers and root beer comment was simply out of line! Zingers are a wonderful part of a complete breakfast, lunch, dinner, or mid-meal snack and are recommended by the Snack and Soda Council.